I am now 36 weeks pregnant. How fast did that time fly? I can't believe it is almost the 6th month of the year. Honestly I thought time was supposed to creep by as a youngin' but it just seems to change before my eyes. I am soooo very uncomfortable, moody, and hormonal. I feel bad for Cam but most days I believe he brought the wrath upon himself. We were married a week ago! We became husband and wife on May 14, 2009. In a quiet ceremony only attended by close family. We decided to do so before the baby to make life a bit easier. Less headache and questions asked once we have little.... DASH. There I said it. His weird little action verb for a name. I've tried calling him other names like Trapper or Tripp. But Dash seems to just fit. I hope his name will fit him. And I hope he doesn't curse us one day for naming him that. If so he can get a name change. Little fact... my parents changed my name when I was still a babe. They named me Eli. Instead of Ellie. So my birth certificate has 2 pages to it. Thanks parents! Anyways I'm honestly thinking one more week until his arrival. I constantly contract and I know its just my body getting ready for this. So I am superwoman this whole week. I clean and organize the hell out of my house. I just don't know what to do with my doggies. Eh I'll worry about that some other time. I don't have anything really to talk about. Its just nice to... speak.
A good song to listen to is by JJ Grey and Mofo called I believe. Its a good one. It helps me with my daily struggles. For instance when a resident compliments on how "huge" I am ... I rip his head off. He didn't mean any harm but just because I am pregnant doesn't mean people can have diarrhea of the mouth and say whatever they want. Well I am going to snuggle with ChaCha and we're going to watch a movie. Hopefully the next time I blog it will be about my beautiful son.
God blessed me with this day to live. I am therefore thankful for all eternity.