Thursday, November 6, 2008

Baby Mama Drama

So today is my mark of my 8th week. I am two months along now. I have carried a child (alien looking) in my tummy for two whole months. Right now I have 4 arms and legs, 20 toes and fingers, and two hearts. When I stop to think about it, I can't believe it. How can my body handle all this work? Who knew the womans body was capable of producing a human. I am blessed.

I am starting to feel better. I still have my bouts of sickness and hormonal outburts more than I'd like to admit. But I guess I can say this is one of the beauties of being a Mother. Although it sucks! It's nice to have my sister who is 7 weeks ahead of me, she can explain what is going on. She has been my mentor in everything and even now it shows. It'll be sooo fun to be all big and wanting pickles together!

Yay for babies and support from everyone!!!!!

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