Long time I know. It's not like I sit at home all day and take care of Dash! He is not 9 weeks 3 days old. Oh how I love him. Everyday he turns into this little person and has such a funny personality. One minute he is the happiest baby, next he is so EMO! I love him too much. He weighs 13 lbs, and is 24 inches long. My oh my is he getting so big. Before I know it he'll be a year. Life is good at the Johnstons we are finishing up all the planning of our wedding on August 28 and we are so excited! I am preparing to go back to work in September and bring this little guy with me and it will be so much fun having him there! I just hope it all works out.
So far we have been blessed with Lyla Marie, Layla Marie, and Boston Graham. My sister Emily has Lyla that is four months old, Cam's sister in law has Layla that is two weeks old, and my brother Alex has Boston that is one week old. Dash has lots of cousins to play with! My mom moved to draper last weekend and I am pretty sad about it. She is my best friend and she lived on the same street as us basically. It is hard going from five minutes away to an hour away. We still talk everyday but it isn't the same by any means. Well I am off to do dishes, keep the housewife alive!!! God is good and thank him for everything.